Tina Gordon relocated to Southern Humboldt County in 2007, seeking freedom from the density of urban life and the space to grow some long-held aspirations. During a serendipitous life twist, a special stretch of land once belonging to a dear friend became her home and she set about developing the 40 acres that would become a farm, collective, and center of agricultural innovation for the next decade to come. Today, Tina thrives as an active cannabis advocate and farmer for Moon Made Farms, having experienced firsthand the many benefits of sustainably-grown therapeutic cannabis and food-based medicine.
In 2 words, describe your organization.
Sun-grown, Moon-made™
What has been your biggest challenge and how your team has overcome it?
As regenerative sun-grown cultivators, Moon Made Farms manages daily challenges with nature. These challenges are lessons and blessings, the guidance that has helped define our purpose as cultivators. We have overcome these challenges with some simple golden rules: Living Things Come First, Have Eyes on Every Plant Every Day, Tune In With All of Your Senses, Be The Plant, State Your Needs. As a brand, our greatest challenge has been finding retail access and being on Nabis Marketplace has been the game changer. For the first time, we have direct contact with retailers and therefore closer contact with the public. This is part of building a regenerative supply chain from seed to sale.
What are some upcoming innovations/projects you are most excited for?
Moon Made Farms will be releasing our Queen Cola line this summer! These one ounce colas will be available to consumers in a child-resistant glass jars protected by hand numbered craft boxes. We've been working on this project for several seasons to offer the truest expression of dried flower we can provide.
Any future predictions/trends you foresee in your product category?
This highly intelligent plant has had a symbiotic relationship with this planet long preceding humanity and with humans for millennia. The more people tune into this plant, the more the plant will guide us toward what is good for us and the planet. As the market matures there will be a higher demand for quality craft products that support personal purchasing preferences. I see an increasing demand for regenerative sun-grown and craft cannabis season over season.